| ANTM 16 Episode 7 Challenge |
We start with the wannabes meet up with Nigel at Smashbox Studios. Nigel lets them know they will be doing some breast cancer awareness work with Ford’s Warriors in Pink campaign. It’s a photoshoot challenge. The winner gets a print ad for the campaign. Jaclyn was “courage”. Kasia was “heart, Brittani’s symbol was the dove and struggled to emote. Hannah’s symbol was the spiral and she looked cute. Mikaela had war paint on and was pretty fierce, Molly had “angel wings”. Alexandria had the “tree of love”. And the winner for the challenge is Alexandria. |
| ANTM Episode 7 Photo Shoot |
Jaclyn - Crazy for Makeup The next day the girls head to Universal Studios where the Js perform a lame ass Psycho skit to set up the photoshoot. The title is “Eric Daman“, and the theme is 'crazy for' features the Gossip Girl stylist as this week’s on-set stylist and guest judge. Snapping the pics for this week’s photo shoot is photographer Miguel Starcevich.
Kasia - Crazy for Hair |
Brittani - Crazy for Shoes |
Molly - Crazy for Accessories |
Britanni - Crazy for Faux Fur |
Hannah - Crazy for Handbags |
Mikaela - Crazy for Sales |
| ANTM 16 Episode 7 At Panel |
At panel, Costume designer Eric Daman is the guest judge joining with Tyrant and others. When the judges start to comment the girl’s photo, then they debate about Brittani behaviour. All the men like her and think she should get a second chance, but Tyrant wants her to go home. So this week best photo will be who? It is…. Jaclyn, well she deserved it. Judges think the photo was amazing and such a hot and sophisticated way. She was followed by Hannah, Kasia, and Alexandria. That left Brittani and Mikaela in the bottom two. Unfortunately, Mikaela has to go home . Thank God, Brittani is safe ! |